Private Mediplus Medical Center

Hair Transplant

Hair Loss and Hair Transplantation: Understanding the Process


Hair loss, particularly for men, poses a significant visual concern. When individuals try products like medication or creams to regain their lost hair, they often fail to achieve the desired results. These products merely aim to preserve existing hair. However, beyond hair transplantation, there isn’t a method to generate new hair in areas with hair loss. Hair transplantation is a meticulous procedure that requires expert individuals and a sterile environment. Gentle and detailed work is essential in hair transplantation, including implanting hair in its natural direction, swiftly implanting grafts, and thoroughly explaining the post-operative care process, all of which contribute to the success of the procedure. With our experienced team conducting hair transplants for 15 years, we first identify the causes of hair loss and then administer the necessary treatment.

Methods Used in Hair Transplantation

There are two primary methods employed in hair transplantation. Firstly, the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) involves extracting a strip of hair from the back of the scalp and dissecting it into individual hair follicles. Secondly, the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) entails harvesting hair follicles individually from the back of the scalp.

Understanding the FUE Technique and Its Advantages

At our center, we specialize in the widely preferred hair transplantation method known as FUE. The procedure typically lasts 5-6 hours and is performed under local anesthesia. In FUE, hair follicles are extracted individually using one-millimeter or smaller punches, leaving no visible scar in the donor area. Consequently, post-transplant, hair can be styled as desired. Even individuals with active lifestyles, such as athletes, can quickly return to their daily activities after FUE, thanks to its non-surgical nature, resulting in swift recovery compared to the FUT method. We enhance the growth of transplanted hair by administering Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) during the procedure and Hair Mesotherapy post-transplantation.

Specialized Applications of FUE Technique

At our center, we utilize the FUE technique to aesthetically enhance areas with regional thinning, alopecia, or scar tissue, such as the beard or eyebrow regions.

Stages of Hair Transplantation

  • Pre-Consultation: Determining Needs and Expectations. During this phase, a detailed discussion takes place regarding your requirements, the suitable transplantation method, and the pre- and post-operative processes.
  • Transplantation Planning: The crucial part of the hair transplant process is planning. This phase clarifies the number of grafts to be transplanted, their placement, the duration of the procedure, necessary blood tests, and the need for consultation with another specialist.
  • Visual Planning: After the general planning stage, visual planning ensues. Multiple photographs are taken from various angles, and the graft distribution plan is sketched onto the scalp. This meticulous planning ensures a smooth operation for both the patient and the physician.
  • Operation – Phase 1: This phase, lasting about an hour, begins with shaving the hair at the back of the head to facilitate individual hair follicle extraction. This area is numbed with local anesthetic injections, ensuring the patient feels no pain throughout. The hair follicles are meticulously extracted using micro-motor or a hair transplant robot.
  • Operation – Phase 2: The second phase involves extracting hair follicles from the donor area, lasting approximately 3 hours. Following extraction, the hair follicles are placed in a special solution in groups of 100 for easy counting.
  • Operation – Phase 3: This final phase, spanning around 3 hours, focuses on implanting the extracted hair follicles. The surgical team creates recipient sites along the predetermined hairline. The depth and angle of these sites are carefully calculated, ensuring optimal results.

Pre- and Post-Transplantation Care

Several precautions must be observed before and after hair transplantation to ensure a smooth procedure and optimal results.

Post-Transplantation Hair Growth

Hair begins to shed around the 15th to 20th day post-transplantation, and new growth typically begins around the third month. Subsequent growth occurs at a rate of approximately 10% per month. By the end of the first year, the full results of the transplantation become evident, with around 90% of transplanted hair growing back.


Hair transplantation, particularly through the FUE technique, offers a reliable solution for hair loss. Our center, with its experienced team and state-of-the-art facilities, is committed to providing personalized and effective hair restoration treatments to enhance your aesthetic appeal and boost your confidence. If you’re considering hair transplantation, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to discuss your options and embark on your journey towards a fuller head of hair.